From our elder, John:

I thank You that You are above all, You see and know all. You know what is happening right now and You know the future.

We feel uncertain and afraid, not knowing what to expect around the next corner. We hang on knowing that in the end You win, and we win with You.

Thank You for this time of more freedom that we have been given. Teach us to number our days. Help us to do what we can do now for Your kingdom. Can we find a way to stand in unity? Already there are seeds of anger, mistrust, betrayal. Help us be gracious with those who refuse the vax. Help us be gracious when we encounter those who are angry because the unvaxxed are also getting some freedoms. There are some things we will never agree on. Help us use this time wisely to win others and prepare to face whatever comes.

We are very thankful for this time of freedom.

But I hear rumblings….

Even so come quickly Lord Jesus