From one of the Abundant Life elder team members.

I’ve been really, really moved by the a Casting Crowns song the last few days:

“I was sure by now

God You would have reached down

And wiped our tears away

Stepped in and saved the day

But once again, I say “Amen”, and it’s still raining

As the thunder rolls

I barely hear Your whisper through the rain

“I’m with you”

And as Your mercy falls

I raise my hands and praise the God who gives

And takes away….”

(“Praise You in this Storm”, Casting Crowns, Lifesong, Mark Hall, Bernie Herms, 2005 Beach Street, Reunion Records. Official video here)

Its still raining. COVID and all the reaction to it is still here. He has not seen fit to change that. But He is with us. All I know to do is pray:

Lord, I am encouraged that You are with us. Even if we walk through the valley of the shadow of death You are with us. If we go through fire You are with us. If we go through the storm and rain You are with us. We are blessed when we mourn. We are blessed when we are persecuted.

When I hear what happens to followers of Christ in other countries I realize that we here have had very little trouble so far. But we do mourn and feel loss. We do sense impending greater troubles. It should not surprise me. This world is under judgement and is not our home. Some say brighter days are just around the corner. But is that Your word to us? Lord please help us to use the time that we do have wisely. Help us be more bold to speak for You and find those who will still hear. May we ALL learn to look to You for direction. Let not the government system, the medical system, anti government voices, anti medical voices, friends, family, cat, dog or anything else be God in our lives. If we come to different conclusions on current issues let not the enemy divide Your Church. Our fight is against spiritual wickedness not each other. May we be about rescuing souls from satan’s evil kingdom.

Lord, forgive me, I usually want to be safe, comfortable, and lazy in this world. Help me be filled with Your Spirit and a readiness to do Your will

What do we do Lord? How do we guide and protect Your church in these times? How do we prepare for persecution? Can we?

How do we do church? Have we made it too complicated?

The enemy may have big plans with Covid and all the spin offs from it.

I want to learn Your plan Lord. I want to know You more. Thank You for making me Your kid. That, no one can take away.

Even so, Come Lord Jesus