The Great Spring Break Adventure – FAQ
Monday, March 31st – Friday, April 4th, 2025
Abundant Life Baptist Church’s Spring Break Day Camp FAQs
- Where is Abundant Life Baptist Church located?
We are at 1396 Plessis Road. On the west side of Plessis Road across from Ecolé Regent Park, between Ravelston Avenue and Regent Avenue. We have a newly configured, paved parking lot in the back of the church, best place for dropping-off and picking-up your child.
- How do I go about registering my child for Camp?
ONLINE: Complete and submit the Registration Request Form below.
Payments can be made online via e-transfer to be sure to include your child’s name in the message.
IN PERSON: Please call (204) 995-8172 to make a registration appointment.
- This is a Registration Request Form Your registration will be confirmed once our registrar has contacted you and payment is received.
- The cost for the week is $135 for the first child and $125 for each additional child from the same household.
- One Registration Request Form must be submitted per
- Our Spring Break Day Camp is designed for children in Grades 1-
- Our program formally starts at 9:00 am, but you can drop your child off as early as 8:15 am. You will need to sign your child “IN” each say.
- Our program runs until 5:00 pm. We won’t leave anyone abandoned, but if you could pick your child up by 5:30 pm that would
be appreciated. If you are running late give us a call (204) 222-7671 to let us know. You will need to sign your child “OUT” each day.
- Special Note: Friday evening we have a Family Dinner planned for 6:00, we do not get back to the church until 5:45 pm on
- We reserve the right to rescind registration from any camper(s) whose behaviour negatively impacts the church, other campers, volunteers or staff.
Registration Request Form
- What will my child be doing at Camp?
Click this link for a schedule of the week’s activities: Schedule
All Aboard Assembly – A high-energy beginning that includes wacky intros, lively songs, and the daily challenge.
High Point Bible Time – Havin’ a Look-See at the wonder of Jesus through his birth, childhood, ministry years, death & resurrection and his return!
Chuck Wagon Charms 1 & 2 – We’ll scare up something from the grubpile for the little shavers twice a day!
Gitty-Up Games – A rip-roaring good time for junior cowpokes. Frontier Fun Science & Crafts – A ‘fair to middlin’ time for those who enjoy hands-on crafts and science experiments.
Peru Project – We have a mind to help a church in Ciudad de Dios, Peru. Over the years we’ve collected funds for musical instruments, establishing community gardens, new chairs, text books for a homework club, a soccer stadium rental for a super Father’s Day celebration, etc.
Approaching the Station – As it is nigh unto the end our day, we wrap things up with some more music, the highly anticipated daily drama and the daily challenge results!
- What do I do if my child has allergies?
Be sure to advise us of this on your child’s registration form so that we can make alternate arrangements.
- How do you safely take 40+ children swimming?
Quite simply, we follow the pool rules. Including making sure those who need to are wearing PFDs, are grouped with a specific leader in ratios set out by the pool and that the lifeguard’s word is final. Beside the staff in the water, we also have staff on the deck doing constant visual checks that every child is accounted for during our stay at the pool. We have a check list with every child’s name and we check off that we have seen each child, when we get through the list; we start again, for the entire time we are at the pool. That’s why we don’t go swimming till later in the week so that we know your child well enough to recognize them when they’re all wet!
For further details check this link:
Elmwood Kildonan Pool – Recreation and Leisure – City of Winnipeg
- What does my child need to bring to Day Camp?
Each day they will need to bring a bag lunch. Please be sure their name is on their lunch bag. We will provide two snacks each day.
Monday we will be going to the Manitoba Children’s Museum. A pair of indoor shoes (with your child’s name on them) is recommended.
Tuesday Engineering Kids will be coming to do a couple of presentations. Part of which will be outside, so please be sure your child is dressed for the weather, boots are highly recommended.
Wednesday we are off to The East Elmwood Community Center Gym. An indoor pair of runners is highly recommended.
Thursday we are going to the Elmwood-Kildonan Pool. A swimsuit, towel PFD if you have one and a quarter for the lockers if you would like.
Friday we are headed to the Assiniboine Park Zoo. We will be outside for much of the afternoon so be sure to have your child dressed for the weather, especially appropriate footwear.
Note: We won’t be back to the church until 5:45 on Friday.
We have plenty of toys and games for children to play with when they arrive. It would be best if they do not bring toys, games, or electronics from home as we cannot be responsible for them and we wouldn’t want them to get mixed up with the things we have here or with some else’s items.